Morning View Mennonite Church

January 28, 2018

10116 Morning View Road
Singers Glen, VA 22850
Phone No. 540-833-6515
Conference Call Line 540-908-4103

Pastors: Ric Gullman & Raleigh Rhodes
Deacons: Philip Borntrager & Steve Slabaugh
Sunday School Superintendents: Marcus Histand & Cecil Sonifrank

Attendance last Sunday: 73
Offering last Sunday morning: $2,386

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Separate Adult: A Choice That Forfeits Heaven , Matthew 19

Mixed Adult: John 18

Worship Service: 10:20 a.m.

Sermon: Fake News (The Infamous Commission), Raleigh Rhodes

Scripture: Matthew 28:13


Today - 2:30pm Avante service. Please consider staying for lunch and helping to sing at Avante.

Tonight - 6:00pm Game Night

Wednesday - 7:00pm Prayer & Bible study

Friday - Youth skating at Generations Ice Rink in Bridgewater. Come anytime 7- 9 pm. Bring your own mug for hot chocolate! Cost is $5 if you have skates, $9 if you need to rent skates.

LADIES RETREAT: - We will still accept registrations for the retreat through the end of the month, even though the response date says January 24. The date for the retreat is March 2-3, with check-in beginning at 4:30. See Marlene Histand for details or to register.

Feb 8 - 9:30am - Sewing Circle

Feb 11 - Friendship Banquet. There is a sign up sheet on the back bulletin board. Please sign up if you plan to come. You are welcome to invite others. The banquet will be held at the fellowship hall of Donavan Memorial United Methodist Church in Singers Glen. The meal will start at 5:30.

Feb 14 - Small groups

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