Morning View Mennonite Church

May 29, 2016

10116 Morning View Road
Singers Glen, VA 22850
Phone No. 833-6515

Pastors: Ric Gullman & Raleigh Rhodes
Deacon: Philip Borntrager
Assistant Deacon: Steve Slabaugh
Sunday School Superintendents: Casey Cantrell & Dave Pence

Attendance last Sunday: 84
Offering last Sunday morning: $748.80

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Men/Women’s Adult: The Believer’s Motivating Hope (II Peter 3)
Mixed Adult:Job’s Desire to Speak With God (Job 23)

Worship Service: 10:20 a.m.

Sermon: Like Cain or Like Christ?, by Ric Gullman
Scripture: I John 3:11-20


Wednesday – 7:00pm Bible study & Prayer

June 3 – 7:00pm Youth volleyball game at Shea and Julia’s place. Everyone please bring a finger food and snack. 16055 Evergreen Valley Rd. Timberville VA 22853

June 5 – 5:30 – Cookout on Mom’s Hill following morning service. Meat/bread provided. Please bring picnic food that doesn't need to be heated at Mom's Hill. Please, bring drink, hot dog sticks, and lawn chairs. There will be a time of fellowship and games in the afternoon.

Hannah Mannhardt’s graduation is June 8th. We will be celebrating with her at Mom’s Hill on the 5th.

June 12 – Baptismal service with a fellowship meal following

June 20-24 – Vacation Bible School. Sign-up sheets are in the back.

Sat. July 2 – BBQ chicken, yard/bake sale fundraiser for Refugee resettlement project. We will need volunteers for Barbecuing the chicken as well as baking goodies to sell. Ben and Louise are in charge of the yard sale so please give your treasures and finds to them. There will be a sign up sheet on the back bulletin board for the volunteer positions. Questions- contact Raleigh or Shea

Mark your calendars to come together to knot comforters for MCC! This was traditionally started by Betty Brunk and Louretta Wilson, and is being carried on. The sewing room at Shady Oak has been reserved for two days, July 7 & 8(Thursday/Friday), 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Please come, and invite your friends. We will take a lunch break at 12:00 so bring a sandwich. Coffee and cold drink provided. We are looking forward to seeing you again

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