June 5, 2016
10116 Morning View Road
Singers Glen, VA 22850
Phone No. 833-6515
Pastors: Ric Gullman & Raleigh Rhodes
Deacon: Philip Borntrager
Assistant Deacon: Steve Slabaugh
Sunday School Superintendents: Casey Cantrell & Dave Pence
Attendance last Sunday:
Offering last Sunday morning: $960.03
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Men/Women’s Adult: Moses’ Birth & Preparation (Exodus 2)
Mixed Adult: Where Shall Wisdom be Found? (Job 28)
Worship Service: 10:20 a.m.
Sermon: Helmet of Salvation, by Raleigh Rhodes
Scripture: Ephesians 6:17a
This Evening – 7:00pm Annual hymn sing for the Shenandoah Music Camp at Park View Mennonite Church. Everyone is welcome! Bring your Mennonite Hymnal if you have one.
Wednesday – 7:00pm Bible study & Prayer
June 12 – Baptismal service with a fellowship meal following
June 16 & 19 – Youth are needed as babysitters at Cornerstone Mennonite Church during a seminar. 7-9pm on the 16th and 9-11am on the 19th. If interested, see Debbie Weaver.
June 20-24 – Vacation Bible School. Sign-up sheets are in the back.
Sat. July 2 – BBQ, bake sale and yard sale fundraiser. All hands on board!!!! Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. We need all positions filled as soon as possible. We are planning on doing 850 halves. Experience is not necessary just a big heart and willingness to help with this large task.
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