June 26, 2016
10116 Morning View Road
Singers Glen, VA 22850
Phone No. 833-6515
Pastors: Ric Gullman & Raleigh Rhodes
Deacon: Philip Borntrager
Assistant Deacon: Steve Slabaugh
Sunday School Superintendents: Casey Cantrell & Dave Pence
Attendance last Sunday: 81
Offering last Sunday morning: $1,011
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Men/Women’s Adult: The Passover (Ex.11 & 12)
Mixed Adult: Romans 1
Worship Service: 10:20 a.m.
Sermon: Confidence Before God, by Ric Gullman
Scripture: Various
This Evening – 5:30pm Bible School picnic and program. Hot dogs and table service provided. Please bring drink and a side dish. Program at 7:00 pm.
Wednesday – 7:00pm Bible study & Prayer
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Classes start June 30th at 6:30 at Dayton Mennonite Church! Will be held every Thursday for 9 weeks. Topics include: Super Saving, Relating with Money, Cash Flow Planning, Dumping Debt, Buyer Beware, The Role of Insurance, Retirement and College Planning, Real Estate and Mortgages, and The Great Misunderstanding. All ages welcome! Cost $93 Contact Kevin Driver in person or 810-3422 for registration
Sat. July 2 –BBQ, bake sale and yard sale fundraiser. All hands on board!!!! Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. We need all positions filled as soon as possible. We are planning on doing 850 halves. Experience is not necessary just a big heart and willingness to help with this large task. Please give your yard sale donations to Ben & Louise Tice.
July 10 – 7pm Speaker Stephen Russell from Faith Builders will be talking about the conflict in the Middle East and the Church’s historic involvement and contribution to that conflict.
July 22-24 – Youth Retreat
July 29-31 – Church Campout at Highland Retreat. Sign up sheets are in the back.
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