November 18, 2018
10116 Morning View Road
Singers Glen, VA 22850
Phone No. 540-833-6515
Conference Call Line 540-908-4103
Pastors: Ric Gullman & Raleigh Rhodes
Deacons: Philip Borntrager & Steve Slabaugh
Sunday School Superintendents: Casey Cantrell & Cecil Sonifrank
Attendance last Sunday: 85
Offering last Sunday morning: $592
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Separate Adult: Esther 3:1-15
Mixed Adult: Ecclesiastes
Worship Service: 10:20 a.m.
Sermon: Antioch's Album, by Ric Gullman
Scripture: Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3
Tonight - District Thanksgiving Service at Bethel 5:30PM Snacks - bring finger foods to share. 7PM Service. Offering: Hurricane Relief through MDS and CAM. Please bring an item that represents something you are thankful for. We will place the items on a table and offer a prayer of thanksgiving. There will be an opportunity to share about your item, if you wish.
Wednesday - 7pm Small groups
Nov 25 - Christmas Program practice. All families who have children in the play are requested to pack lunches and stay for the program practice following the Sunday morning service.
We are in need of Hosts/Hostesses for 2019. - If you would like to help with hospitality by being prepared to invite visitors home for Sunday Dinner, let Joy know. The commitment can be anywhere from 1 to 4 times per year depending on your preference. Also if you have been on the hostess list and wish to have your name removed now is the time to let Joy know that as well. Thanks for all the wonderful hospitality that has been extended this past year!
Dec 9 - Christmas program
Dec 19 - Christmas caroling
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